How VLOOKUP Works – Excel


The VLOOKUP function allows you to search for a value in the first column of a specified range and return a value in the same row from another column.

Its syntax is:
=VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])

Breaking it down:
lookup_value: The value you want to look up (e.g., Product ID in cell H8).
table_array: The range where the data is located (e.g., $A$7:$F$14).
col_index_num: The column number in the table from which you want to retrieve data.
[range_lookup]: Use FALSE for an exact match or TRUE for an approximate match.

Example: Retrieving Product Information
Suppose you have a table where:
Column A contains Product IDs,
Column B contains Product Descriptions,
Column C contains Sales Quantities,
Column D contains Product Categories,
Column E contains Sales Persons.
Column F contains Sales Values.

If you enter a Product ID in H8, you can use VLOOKUP to return related information.

How VLOOKUP works

Product Description (I8)
=VLOOKUP(H8, $A$7:$F$14, 2, FALSE)

Product Sales Quantity (J8)
=VLOOKUP(H8, $A$7:$F$14, 3, FALSE)

Product Category (K8)
=VLOOKUP(H8, $A$7:$F$14, 4, FALSE)

Product Sales Value (L8)
=VLOOKUP(H8, $A$7:$F$14, 6, FALSE)
Key Points:

=>Ensure that the lookup value (Product ID in H8) exists in the first column of the table range (column A in $A$7:$F$14).
=>Use absolute references ($A$7:$F$14) to prevent the range from shifting if you copy the formula.
=>Set the final argument to FALSE for an exact match.

Download the VLOOKUP example file…

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