Πότε διπλασιάζεις το κεφάλαιο σου με ανατοκισμό; Σύμφωνα με τον κανόνα του 72, διαιρείς το 72 με το ετήσιο επιτόκιο δηλ. 72/8 στη συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση, και βρίσκεις τον αριθμό των ετών που απαιτούνται για τον διπλασιασμό του κεφαλαίου σου.
List of files in Excel and preview of images – VBA Code – Excel 1) Is it possible to have a list of the images found in a folder and its subfolders in Excel? 2) Is it possible to see the images as I move from one row to another? 3) Is it possible to see the actual image, its name and other info as I scroll down? 4) Is it possible to rename images in source folder according to a rule such as Last Subfolder & ID & FileName, and then copy all renamed images to another folder (target folder)? 5) Is it possible to have all images as they were in the source folder? Yes, it is. Check this video on YouTube and watch it happening. VBA Code credit : Trifon Papadopoulos #mindstormGR #list_of_images_in_excel Δείτε επίσης Import of multiple posts to WordPress with the use of Excel, Word…
Steps to import multiple posts to Wordpress with the use of Excel, Word and Ultimate CSV Importer Free Step 1 Find the content you would like to upload from your social media profile or anywhere else. Step 2 Use Microsoft Word, open existing word file : ‘word_to_html_source.docx’, delete previous content (if any), copy and edit your new content (paragraphs, spaces, bold or italic words) and save the file. Step 3 Open excel file ‘wordpress_database_schema.xlsm’ and press the button ‘Add <div> to word file’. This will create a new file : ‘word_to_html_target.docx’. Open it and copy the content of the file into the ‘post_content’ column. Step 3 is important if you want to keep the styling of the content. Step 4 Go to sheet ‘field_values’, find table with column names ‘post_title’ and ‘post_name’ and type your content accordingly. Return to sheet ‘wp_posts’ and complete the necessary columns. Begin with selecting from…
Sales Data Analysis Tasks 1) Get New Sales Raw Data (table) 2) Change sorting for Sales Raw Data using field ‘Value’ DESC (descending order) and then field ‘Country’ ASC (ascending order) 3) Create 5 Pivot Tables Total Sales by Country Total Sales by Salesperson Total Sales by Customer Total Sales by Product Category Total Sales by Product Description 4) Change sorting to all 5 Pivot Tables Total Sales by Country DESC Total Sales by Salesperson DESC Total Sales by Customer DESC Total Sales by Product Category DESC Total Sales by Product Description DESC YouTube video: Create 5 Pivot Tables with a button (VBA) FB Tags: #vba #data_analysis #excel_tips #mindstormGR
1) Add products from sheet WORDPRESS to your eShop, with a csv file. 2) Check if products are OK. 3) Now there are again updates (variations) for new and existing products. Compare products between excel sheets WORDPRESS and SAP, and find the new ones from sheet SAP that you need to add again to your eShop. Add any new or existing products with variations (color, size) to your eShop from sheet Comparison, with a second csv file. 4) Check if all variations for new and existing products are OK. Video link: https://youtu.be/bufrzPYGHtg Credit : Trifon Papadopoulos #wordpress #woocommerce #mindstormGR #excel_tips
Rules 1) If Sales >= 20000, then 4% commission 2) If Sales >= 5000 and < 20000, then 5% commission 3) If Sales >= 1 and < 5000, then 6% commission D3 cell function =IF(C3>=$G$3;$H$3;IF(C3>=$G$4;$H$4;$H$5))*C3 D4 cell function =IF(C4>=$G$3;$H$3;IF(C4>=$G$4;$H$4;$H$5))*C4 D5 cell function =IF(C5>=$G$3;$H$3;IF(C5>=$G$4;$H$4;$H$5))*C5 D6 cell function =IF(C6>=$G$3;$H$3;IF(C6>=$G$4;$H$4;$H$5))*C6 Δείτε το σχετικό άρθρο στο blog της ιστοσελίδας softexperia.com . . .
Συσχετισμός απουσιών και εξετάσεων σπουδαστών για την απόδοση του τελικού βαθμού και τo status του μαθήματος για κάθε σπουδαστή (Pass or Fail) / Course Grade and Status Use AND with IF in Excel Δείτε πώς μπορείτε να συνδυάσετε τις απουσίες και τους βαθμούς των εξετάσεων για να βγάλετε την τελική κατάσταση Pass or Fail για τον κάθε σπουδαστή. Για να περάσεις το μάθημα, πρέπει οι απουσίες σου να είναι λιγότερες από 30 και ο τελικός βαθμός σου, ίσος ή μεγαλύτερος του 5. Ο τελικός βαθμός στρογγυλοποιείται σε ακέραιο αριθμό. Π.χ. το 6,7 γίνεται 7 και το 6,2 γίνεται 6. FB Tags : #softexperia #excel_tips
Πως να προσθέσετε πληροφορίες (νέες στήλες όπως ημερομηνία ή κωδικό πελάτη) σε ένα νέο πίνακα από τους πίνακες παραγγελιών Order table, Customer table και Saleperson table. To join or merge tables that have a common id, you can use the INDEX and MATCH functions. Download excel file “join_tables_with_index_and_match_mindstormGR_3.xlsx” . . .Explanation Type the order_id and these formulas will pull the date, customer_id and the amount from the order table, the customer name (field : name) and the salesperson_id from the customer table, the salesperson name (field : name) from the salesperson table into the new table. The MATCH function is used to locate the right date, customer_id, amount, customer name, salesperson_id and the salesperson name and the INDEX function is used to retrieve the data. FB Tags : #tables #data #excel_tips #softexperia #mindstormGR / www.softexperia.com
Formula for Cell D3 =IF(C3>B3;”Above budget”;”Below budget”) Email : info@softexperia.com Mobile : 6945 849400 #excel_tips #softexperia / fb : Softexperia.com / www.softexperia.com Download excel file : sales_january_2021_a.xlsx Δείτε τον πίνακα του αρχείου excel / View the table for excel file Download excel file : sales_january_2021_b.xlsx
Αν θέλετε να ελέγξετε/συγκρίνετε ποσό δανείου, χρόνο αποπληρωμής, δόση δανείου και επιτόκιο δανείου, τότε αυτό το αρχείο excel μπορεί να σας φανεί χρήσιμο. If you want to check/compare interest rate, years of loan, monthly payment and loan amount, then you might find this excel file useful. For example, if you take a 30000 euro loan for 10 years with an interent rate of 3% (payment due : end of period), your monthly payment will be 289,68 euro. Πατήστε εδώ για να κατεβάσετε αυτό το αρχείο excel… / Click here to download this excel file… Mobile : 6945 849400 Email : info@softexperia.com FB Tags : #excel_tips #calculations #loan_and_interest #loan_analysis_worksheet #σύγκριση_όρων_δανείου / fb : Softexperia.com / www.softexperia.com
Use Excel to calculate the hours worked for any shift / Υπολογισμός ωρών εργασίας με το Excel / #softexperia Steps 1. In A1, enter Time In. 2. In B1, enter Time Out. 3. In C1, enter Hours Worked. 4. Select A2 and B2, and press [Ctrl]1 to open the Format Cells dialog box. 5. On the Number tab, select Time from the Category list box, choose 1:30 PM from the Type list box, and click OK. 6. Right-click C2, and select Format Cells. 7. On the Number tab, select Time from the Category list box, choose 13:30 from the Type list box, and click OK. 8. In C2, enter the following formula: =IF(B2<A2;B2+1;B2)-A2 If you enter 11:00 PM as the Time In and enter 7:00 AM as the Time Out, Excel will display 8, the correct number of hours worked. — Βήματα 1. Στο κελί A1, εισάγετε Time In (Ώρα…