How AI and LLMs will impact business activities in future? The impact of AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) on future business activities is expected to be transformative, driving innovation, efficiency, and complexity across multiple industries. AI is enabling automation of routine tasks, improving decision-making, and enhancing customer engagement, which leads to significant shifts in business models. LLMs, like OpenAI’s GPT series, provide the ability to process and generate human-like text, helping organizations streamline operations and make data-driven decisions. AI’s economic potential is vast, with projections suggesting a $15.7 trillion boost to the global economy by 2024. However, the rapid integration of AI and LLMs raises concerns about ethical challenges such as job displacement, data privacy, and biases in AI algorithms. Businesses must balance the benefits of AI with these risks, focusing on responsible governance and data security. AI is revolutionizing various industries—from personalized marketing in retail to enhanced diagnostics…
Are you tired of spending countless hours on repetitive Excel tasks? Do you wish there was an easier way to boost your productivity and automate your spreadsheets? Enter Business Scripts: Automate Excel with VBA and Python. With these powerful tools, you can create scripts to handle complex calculations and workflows—whether you’re at your desk or away. Imagine automating tedious tasks, even while you sleep! Want to learn how? Explore the “Automate Workflow Everywhere” and “Microsoft Excel Tips” sections on my blog, where you can dive into articles and listen to tutorials on using VBA and Python to supercharge your Excel automation and simplify your work. Here’s what you’ll learn: • How to write reusable scripts that work across any spreadsheet • Create simple applications for data collection and management • Build self-running automation processes that work in the background—no need to even click a button! You’ll achieve more in less…
Problem I want to make sure that all salespersons are notified, either by email or a pop-up window, about which customers have exceeded 80% of their credit limit, so they can act upon it. Solution This excel file. I have to find a way to: 1) Merge data from three different sheets — Customer Balance, Credit Limit, and Salesperson Data — into the sheet CustomerData. 2) Send warning emails to Salespersons when the account balance of their customers exceeds 80% of their credit limit. 3) Format the merged data by Salesperson using different background colors, bold text and “!” next to the Customer Name when an account balance is equal to or exceeds 80% of the credit limit. YouTube link: VBA credit : Tryfon Papadopoulos
Αυτόματη ενημέρωση ανά 1 λεπτό δεδομένων φύλλου εργασίας ‘Customer Balance’ αρχείου excel demo_customers_data.xlsm από δεδομένα άλλου φύλλου εργασίας ‘Customer Balance’ αρχείου excel demo_customers_data_source.xlsm. Το δεύτερο αρχείο excel: demo_customers_data_source.xlsm είναι η πηγή από το οποίο αντιγράφονται τα δεδομένα στο πρώτο αρχείο excel: demo_customers_data.xlsm. Watch the video on YouTube: #automation #excel_tips #mindstormGR
Εισαγωγή άρθρων σε ιστοσελίδα WORDPRESS από αρχείο WORD με τη βοήθεια της PYTHON και του Ultimate CSV Importer Free Θα εισάγετε καλύτερο περιεχόμενο (άρθρα) και θα το κάνετε πολύ πιο γρήγορα. Δείτε το σχετικό βίντεο που έφτιαξα για να καταλάβετε περισσότερα . . . YouTube link: #mindstormGR #python #blogging #automation #word_to_csv #csv_to_wordpress
Convert a workbook (included all worksheets) to pdf and attached to an email What This Macro Does: Prompts for Email Address: Uses an InputBox to ask you for the recipient’s email address. Cancels if No Email is Entered: If you don’t enter an email, it will show a message and exit the macro. Converts Workbook to PDF: Saves the entire workbook as a PDF file in the same location as the workbook. Prepares the Email: Creates a new email in Outlook with the PDF attached and uses the entered email address. Displays the Email: Opens the email for review before sending. Change .Display to .Send if you want the email to be sent automatically. This macro will now ask for the recipient’s email every time you run it. Macro VBA credit: Trifon Papadopoulos Macro VBA Sub ConvertWorkbookToPDFAndEmail() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim pdfFileName As String Dim filePath As…
In summary, this Python script extracts product information from a Word document, processes it to create entries suitable for WordPress/WooCommerce (including variations), and saves the data as a CSV file you can import immediately to your eshop. In more detail, the script performs the following tasks: Imports necessary libraries: It imports pandas for data manipulation, Document from docx for handling Word documents, and uuid for generating unique identifiers. Defines a function to generate unique SKUs: The generate_unique_sku function creates a unique SKU by combining a base name with a short UUID (a unique identifier) and an optional suffix. Extracts product information from a Word document: The extract_product_info_from_word function reads a Word document and extracts product details such as title, description, type, SKU, colors, sizes, brand, and prices. It organizes this data into a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a product. Processes product information: The script iterates over the…