


How to syntax and use Top 16 Excel Functions Watch the video on YouTube Syntax 1. =SUM(F8:F13) 2. =AVERAGE(F8:F13) 3. =ROUND(F8,2) 4. =MIN(F8:F13) 5. =MAX(F8:F13) 6. =COUNT(F8:F13) 7. =INDEX(I8:J13,3,2) 8. =MATCH(H8,I8:I13,0) 9. =VLOOKUP(H8,I8:J13,2,FALSE) 10. =HLOOKUP(H8,N7:S8,2,0) 11. =XLOOKUP(H8,I8:I13,J8:J13) 12.=COUNTIF(F8:F13,”>5″) 13. =COUNTA(F8:F13) 14. =SUMIF(F8:F13,”>5″) 15. Example 1 =IF(SUM(F8:F13)>10,”Sum is greater than 10″) 15. Example 2 =IF(SUM(F8:F13)>10, IF(SUM(F8:F13)<25, “Sum is greater than 10 and smaller than 25”, “”), “”) 16. =AVERAGEIF(F8:F13,”>5″) Excel and Video credit: Tryfon Papadopoulos

ΕΝ – Use Case: Automating Image Uploads to WordPress and Tracking in Excel Use Case Overview This use case describes a Python-based automated system for processing and uploading images to a WordPress website, ensuring that all uploaded images are properly resized, optimized, and documented in an Excel report. Goal The primary goal is to streamline the process of managing image uploads to a WordPress site while ensuring: Image consistency through standardized resizing. Automated uploading to WordPress via API. Proper documentation in an Excel file with image thumbnails. Actors Primary Actor Content Manager / Website Administrator Responsible for uploading and managing images on WordPress. Uses this automation tool to speed up the process. Supporting Systems WordPress Media Library (via REST API) Local Storage (Folders for Processed Images & Excel File) YouTube Workflow (Main Use Case Scenario) Step 1: Prepare Images The user places images in a designated folder (folder1). The script…

How to run multiple versions of a “Convert Images” python script in Excel EN – This script, **``**, is a Python-based GUI application for batch image conversion. Here’s what it does: 1. **Graphical User Interface (GUI):** – It provides a user-friendly interface using the `tkinter` library, allowing users to interact without needing to write code. 2. **File Selection:** – Users can select multiple image files of various formats (e.g., `.webp`, `.jpg`, `.png`, `.bmp`, `.tiff`, `.gif`) using a file dialog. 3. **Output Format Selection:** – A dropdown menu allows users to choose the desired output image format (e.g., PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, GIF). 4. **Batch Conversion:** – The script processes all selected files and converts them into the chosen format. – It preserves the original file names but updates their extensions based on the selected output format. 5. **Output Folder Selection:** – Users can specify a folder where the converted images…

Explanation of the VBA Code: “CopyHTMLFromWordToExcel_WithFilePicker” This VBA macro automates the process of extracting formatted text from a Word document, converting it into HTML, and pasting the resulting HTML-formatted text into a specified Excel cell. Excel file: sqlookup_examples.xlsm Word file: word_file_to_copy_2.docx View the VBA macro code in txt format What the Code Does File Selection: The macro opens a file dialog to let the user select a Word document (*.doc or *.docx). If the user does not select a file, the macro exits. Temporary File Handling: The selected Word file is copied to a temporary location. This ensures the original file remains unaffected during processing. Word Application Setup: A new instance of Microsoft Word is created and runs in the background (invisible mode). The Word document is opened in read-only mode. HTML Conversion: The macro processes the content of the Word document paragraph by paragraph. Each paragraph is analyzed for:…

Master Sales Analysis with Pivot Tables and ChatGPT – Excel Made Easy! Hey everyone! I’ m Trifonas Papadopoulos. Welcome back to my channel! Today, I’m going to show you how to perform a powerful sales analysis using Excel Pivot Tables and ChatGPT. Whether you’re a data newbie or an Excel pro, this step-by-step tutorial will help you uncover insights from your data like never before! Step 1 We’ll start with a raw sales dataset, and I’ll guide you through setting up a Pivot Table for analysis. Then, I’ll show you how ChatGPT can help you understand trends, generate insights, and even suggest formulas you might need for deeper analysis. Let’s dive in!” First, let’s see first our sales data. Make sure your dataset has columns like Date, Product, Country or Region, Sales or Revenue Amount, and Quantity or Units Sold. Step 2 Now, let’s create a Pivot Table. Go to…

Fill Alphabet or Roman Numerals Sure, Excel can fill January, February, March, but what about A,B,C or I,II,III? Drag down E7 = CHAR(ROW(65:65) Drag down F7 = ROMAN(ROW(1:1)) Number Character Roman 1 A I 2 B II 3 C III 4 D IV 5 E V 6 F VI 7 G VII 8 H VIII 9 I IX 10 J X 11 K XI 12 L XII 13 M XIII 14 N XIV 15 O XV 16 P XVI 17 Q XVII 18 R XVIII 19 S XIX 20 T XX 21 U XXI 22 V XXII 23 W XXIII 24 X XXIV For the upper case alphabet, use a formula of =CHAR(ROW(65:65)) and copy down. For the lower case alphabet, use =CHAR(ROW(97:97)) For upper case Roman numerals: =ROMAN(ROW(1:1)) For lower case Roman numerals =LOWER(ROMAN(ROW(1:1))) YouTube Link: #excel_tips_softexperia #excel_tips #softexperia

How to prevent Duplicate Email and Phone Entries in Excel Αποφυγή διπλότυπων καταχωρήσεων ηλεκτρονικών διευθύνσεων αλληλογραφίας και τηλεφώνων Step 1 Mark All Email Cells except title. Do that before any data entry. Go To Data > Data Validation > Settings > Custom and type =COUNTIF($D$4:$D$303;D4)=1 Then go to “Error Alert” Tab and choose Style : Stop Title : Duplicate Email Found Error message : Email cannot be duplicated.   Step 2 Mark All Phone Cells except title. Do that before any data entry. Go To Data > Data Validation > Settings > Custom and type =COUNTIF($E$4:$E$303;E4)=1 Then go to “Error Alert” Tab and choose Style : Stop Title : Duplicate Phone Found Error message : Phone cannot be duplicated. YouTube link: Filename: form_VBA_2_prevent_duplicates_2.xlsb Download zip file of excel file #excel_tips #softexperia

Automate Your Excel Workflow: How to Add Month-Year and Year Columns with a Simple VBA Macro! VBA code Sub AddMonthYearColumn() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim lastRow As Long Dim dateColumn As String Dim outputColumn As String Dim outputColumnYear As String Dim outputColumnC As String’ Define the worksheet Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1) ‘ Change the sheet index or name as needed’ Define the columns outputColumnC = “C” ‘ The column for Country & Product dateColumn = “G” ‘ Adjust to the actual column containing dates outputColumn = “H” ‘ The column where the “Month-Year” data will be added outputColumnYear = “I” ‘ The column where the “Year” data will be added’ Find the last row in the Date column lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, dateColumn).End(xlUp).Row’ Add header for the new column Month-Year ws.Cells(3, outputColumn).Value = “Month-Year” ws.Cells(3, outputColumn).Font.Bold = True’ Add header for the new column Year ws.Cells(3, outputColumnYear).Value = “Year” ws.Cells(3, outputColumnYear).Font.Bold…

How to Automate Data Retrieval from ChatGPT API in Excel Using VBA This VBA script automates the process of fetching data from OpenAI’s ChatGPT API and populates an Excel spreadsheet with structured information. This tutorial breaks down the script, explaining its purpose, key features, and how to use it effectively. Purpose The script connects to the OpenAI API, sends user prompts, retrieves responses, and organizes the data into specific columns in an Excel sheet. It’s particularly useful for tasks like gathering summarized information for a list of items (e.g., countries). Key Components of the Code Initialization vba Dim http As Object, JSON As Object Dim apiKey As String, url As String Dim ws As Worksheet http: Handles HTTP requests. JSON: Parses the JSON response. apiKey: Your OpenAI API key for authentication. ws: Refers to the active worksheet where data is processed. API Key and Endpoint vba apiKey =…

This table and explanation provide a breakdown of invoices and customers based on specific conditions like date range, status, and city. Here’s the detailed explanation: Input Conditions Start Date: January 3, 2022 End Date: February 14, 2022 Status: Paid City: Athens These conditions filter the data to only include invoices and customers: Within the date range from 1/3/2022 to 2/14/2022. Having the status “Paid.” (For customers) belonging to Athens city. Metrics Calculated Count of Invoices (Start Date, End Date, Status): 3 Formula: =SUM((Date>=C3)*(Date<=D3)*(Status=E3)) Filters rows where the Date is between 1/3/2022 and 2/14/2022 and Status = Paid. From the table: Reese Withpoon (1/24/2022, Paid) Clint Eastwood (2/14/2022, Paid) Kanye East (1/18/2022, Paid — excluded from “City: Athens” but counted here). Sum of Invoices (Start Date, End Date, Status): 934 Formula: =SUM((Date>=C3)*(Date<=D3)*(Status=E3)*Amount) Sums the Amount for invoices where the conditions above are true. Breakdown: Reese Withpoon: 279 Clint Eastwood: 231 Kanye…

How to Use the DEPRECIATION (DB) Formula in Excel DEPRECIATION (DB) Formula in Excel is used to return the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the fixed-declining balance method. Formula Explanation Cost (required): The historical cost of the asset. Salvage (required): The value of the asset at the end of the depreciation period (salvage value of the asset). Life (required): The number of periods over which the asset is being depreciated (i.e. this is the useful life of the asset). Period (required): The period for which you want to calculate the depreciation. Periods must use the same units as life. E.g. if you use years for life, you should use years for a period. Month (optional): The number of months in the first year. If the month is omitted, it is assumed to be 12 months. Example: Johnson & Co. purchase 3 pieces of equipment for its business…

How to create a searchable drop-down list using a filtered dynamic list based on a search term. Here’s a breakdown of how it works and how you can implement it in Excel: Steps to Create the Searchable Drop-Down List: Input Your Data: Place your data (e.g., “Product Description”) in a column (e.g., E2:E9 in your example). Set up the Search Cell: Create a cell for the search term (e.g., C2 in the example). Dynamic Filter Formula: Use the FILTER function in a helper column to create a dynamic filtered list. Formula: =FILTER(E2:E9, ISNUMBER(SEARCH(C2, E2:E9)), “No Results”) E2:E9: The range containing the data to filter. SEARCH(C2, E2:E9): Finds matches based on the search term entered in C2. ISNUMBER: Returns TRUE for matching items, ensuring only valid matches are included. “No Results”: Message shown when no matches are found. Create the Drop-Down List: Use Data Validation to link the filtered list to…

This table is a demonstration of how to use Excel formulas, particularly the VLOOKUP function, to dynamically retrieve related data based on a selected Product ID. Here’s a detailed explanation: Overview The table is set up to allow users to select a Product ID (cell H8), and based on this selection, the corresponding details are automatically filled into other cells (e.g., I8, J8, K8, L8). The details include: Product Description (from Column B) Product Invoice Quantity (from Column C) Product Color Code and Name of Supplier (from Columns D and E combined) My Product Color Code (from Column F) My Product Color Description (mapped from the Color_Correspondence sheet) Columns and Their Purposes Product ID (Column A): The user selects a Product ID in cell H8. This serves as the lookup key for the VLOOKUP function in subsequent columns. Product Description (Column B): Fetched from the table using the formula in…

The table provided explains how to use INDEX and MATCH functions to retrieve specific values based on a selected Product ID. Here’s a breakdown of the setup: Table Layout Columns: Product ID, Product Sales Value, Product Category, Product Description, and Sales Person. User Input: The user selects a Product ID (e.g., 7 in cell H8). Goal: Display the corresponding data (Sales Value, Category, Description, and Sales Person) in separate cells based on the selected Product ID. Explanation of the Formulas Each formula retrieves data from a specific column of the table using a combination of INDEX and MATCH. Formula for Product Sales Value (I8) =INDEX($F$8:$F$14;MATCH(H8;$A$8:$A$14;0)) $F$8:$F$14: The range containing the Product Sales Value. MATCH(H8;$A$8:$A$14;0): H8 contains the selected Product ID (e.g., 7). $A$8:$A$14 is the range of Product IDs. MATCH finds the row where H8 matches a value in $A$8:$A$14. INDEX uses the row number from MATCH to return the…

How VLOOKUP Works The VLOOKUP function allows you to search for a value in the first column of a specified range and return a value in the same row from another column. Its syntax is: =VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup]) Breaking it down: lookup_value: The value you want to look up (e.g., Product ID in cell H8). table_array: The range where the data is located (e.g., $A$7:$F$14). col_index_num: The column number in the table from which you want to retrieve data. [range_lookup]: Use FALSE for an exact match or TRUE for an approximate match. Example: Retrieving Product Information Suppose you have a table where: Column A contains Product IDs, Column B contains Product Descriptions, Column C contains Sales Quantities, Column D contains Product Categories, Column E contains Sales Persons. Column F contains Sales Values. If you enter a Product ID in H8, you can use VLOOKUP to return related information. Formulas:…

Παράδειγμα εφαρμογής για αύξηση κρατήσεων που να χρησιμοποιεί swot analysis, pareto analysis, decision trees και brainstorming. Κατεβάστε το αρχείο Excel που περιλαμβάνει ανάλυση SWOT, Pareto, Decision Tree, και ιδέες από brainstorming για την αύξηση των κρατήσεων. Hotel_Booking_Analysis —– — VBA Κώδικας (Επεξήγηση) Δημιουργία Νέου Αρχείου Excel: Δημιουργεί ένα νέο βιβλίο εργασίας (Workbook). Προσθήκη Δεδομένων για Κάθε Μέθοδο: Κάθε φύλλο εργασίας (Sheet) περιέχει δεδομένα για μία από τις τέσσερις αναλύσεις: SWOT Analysis: Κατηγορίες και περιγραφή τους. Pareto Analysis: Ζητήματα και συχνότητα εμφάνισης. Decision Tree: Επίπεδα αποφάσεων, περιγραφές και αποτελέσματα. Brainstorming: Ιδέες και περιγραφή τους. Ονομασία Φύλλων: Κάθε φύλλο εργασίας ονομάζεται ανάλογα με την ανάλυση που περιέχει (π.χ., “SWOT Analysis”). Αποθήκευση Αρχείου: Το αρχείο αποθηκεύεται αυτόματα με το όνομα Hotel_Booking_Analysis.xlsx στον προεπιλεγμένο φάκελο του Excel. Μήνυμα Επιβεβαίωσης: Εμφανίζεται μήνυμα που ενημερώνει τον χρήστη ότι το αρχείο έχει δημιουργηθεί επιτυχώς. Πλεονεκτήματα του Κώδικα Αυτοματισμός: Αποφεύγετε τη χειροκίνητη εισαγωγή δεδομένων, εξοικονομώντας χρόνο. Οργάνωση: Όλα…

Αν έχετε βαρεθεί να κάνετε ένα ένα εισαγωγή/ενημέρωση των προϊόντων σας στο eshop σας (wordpress/woocommerce), μπορούμε να σας βοηθήσουμε. Δημιουργούμε βάση δεδομένων ή αρχείο excel με τις απαιτούμενες πληροφορίες (πεδία) για την μαζική εισαγωγή/ενημέρωση των προϊόντων σας και εσείς αποφεύγετε τα λάθη και κερδίζετε χρόνο. Στη φωτογραφία βλέπετε μόνο μερικά από τα απαιτούμενα πεδία για την σωστή καταχώρηση και προβολή των προϊόντων σας στο eshop σας.

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