ΕΝ – Use Case: Automating Image Uploads to WordPress and Tracking in Excel
Use Case Overview
This use case describes a Python-based automated system for processing and uploading images to a WordPress website, ensuring that all uploaded images are properly resized, optimized, and documented in an Excel report.
The primary goal is to streamline the process of managing image uploads to a WordPress site while ensuring:
- Image consistency through standardized resizing.
- Automated uploading to WordPress via API.
- Proper documentation in an Excel file with image thumbnails.
Primary Actor
- Content Manager / Website Administrator
- Responsible for uploading and managing images on WordPress.
- Uses this automation tool to speed up the process.
Supporting Systems
- WordPress Media Library (via REST API)
- Local Storage (Folders for Processed Images & Excel File)
Workflow (Main Use Case Scenario)
Step 1: Prepare Images
- The user places images in a designated folder (
). - The script will scan and process JPEG, PNG, WEBP, GIF formats.
Step 2: Load Configuration & Credentials
- The script loads WordPress credentials (URL, username, API password) from a
file. - If credentials are missing, the script exits with an error.
Step 3: Process Images
- Each image in the folder undergoes:
- Resizing → Adjusted to
pixels for web optimization. - Thumbnail Creation → A
pixel version is generated.
- Resizing → Adjusted to
Step 4: Upload Images to WordPress
- The script authenticates with WordPress API and uploads the images.
- Metadata such as alt text (formatted from file name) is included.
- If an upload fails, the error message is displayed.
Step 5: Document Uploaded Images
- The script saves the following details in an Excel file (
):- Local file path
- Uploaded WordPress image URL
- Thumbnail preview embedded in Excel
Step 6: Organize Files
- Resized images are stored in a
folder. - Thumbnails are stored in a
folder. - The Excel file is saved with upload records.
Alternative Scenarios & Error Handling
Scenario | System Behavior |
.env file is missing | The script exits with an error message. |
Invalid API credentials | Uploads will fail, and the script logs an error. |
Unsupported file formats | These files are skipped. |
Image fails to process (corrupt file, etc.) | The script logs the error and continues with the next file. |
WordPress API returns an error (e.g., server down) | The script logs the error and retries later. |
Benefits of Using This System
✅ Saves Time – Eliminates manual uploading of images.
✅ Ensures Consistency – Resizes images uniformly.
✅ Improves Organization – Keeps track of uploaded images in Excel.
✅ Reduces Errors – Handles failures and logs issues.
✅ Enhances WordPress SEO – Automatically generates alt text from file names.
Future Enhancements
Bulk Post Creation – Extend functionality to create WordPress posts with uploaded images.
Image Compression – Reduce file size further before uploading.
Drag & Drop Interface – A GUI version for non-technical users.
This automated system simplifies image management for WordPress, making it an ideal solution for bloggers, content managers, and businesses handling large media uploads.
GR – Use Case: Αυτοματοποιημένη Μεταφόρτωση Εικόνων στο WordPress και Καταγραφή σε Excel
Η αυτοματοποίηση της διαδικασίας μεταφόρτωσης εικόνων σε έναν ιστότοπο WordPress, διασφαλίζοντας ότι όλες οι εικόνες:
- Προσαρμόζονται σε σταθερό μέγεθος για βελτιστοποίηση.
- Ανεβαίνουν αυτόματα μέσω του WordPress REST API.
- Καταγράφονται σε αρχείο Excel με ενσωματωμένα thumbnails.
Συμμετέχοντες (Actors)
- Διαχειριστής Ιστότοπου – Χρησιμοποιεί το script για να ανεβάζει εικόνες.
- WordPress Media Library – Το σύστημα αποθήκευσης εικόνων μέσω API.
- Τοπικό Σύστημα (Υπολογιστής) – Οργανώνει τις εικόνες και αποθηκεύει το Excel.
Ροή Εργασιών (Workflow)
1️⃣ Ο χρήστης τοποθετεί τις εικόνες σε έναν φάκελο.
2️⃣ Το script διαβάζει τα αρχεία και τις προσαρμόζει σε 800×800 pixels.
3️⃣ Δημιουργείται μικρογραφία (thumbnail) 64×64 pixels.
4️⃣ Οι εικόνες ανεβαίνουν αυτόματα στο WordPress.
5️⃣ Το script αποθηκεύει ένα αρχείο Excel με:
- Τοπική διαδρομή εικόνας.
- URL της εικόνας στο WordPress.
- Μικρογραφία ενσωματωμένη στο Excel.
Εναλλακτικά Σενάρια & Διαχείριση Σφαλμάτων
Σενάριο | Συμπεριφορά Συστήματος |
Απουσία αρχείου .env | Το script τερματίζεται με μήνυμα σφάλματος. |
Λάθος διαπιστευτήρια API | Οι μεταφορτώσεις αποτυγχάνουν. |
Μη υποστηριζόμενος τύπος αρχείου | Το αρχείο παραλείπεται. |
Σφάλμα επεξεργασίας εικόνας | Το script παραλείπει την εικόνα και συνεχίζει. |
Αποτυχία μεταφόρτωσης λόγω προβλήματος WordPress | Το script καταγράφει το σφάλμα για μελλοντική επανεκτέλεση. |
✅ Αυτοματοποιεί τη διαδικασία μεταφόρτωσης εικόνων.
✅ Διασφαλίζει ομοιομορφία μεγέθους εικόνων.
✅ Παρακολουθεί όλες τις εικόνες σε οργανωμένο Excel.
✅ Μειώνει τα σφάλματα και τον χρόνο εργασίας.
Αυτό το script απλοποιεί και επιταχύνει τη διαδικασία διαχείρισης εικόνων στο WordPress, καθιστώντας το ιδανικό για bloggers, διαχειριστές ιστοσελίδων και εταιρείες με μεγάλο όγκο πολυμέσων.
Python Script Solution: Automating Image Uploads to WordPress and Tracking in Excel.
This Python script [upload_images_4.py] automates the process of resizing images, uploading them to a WordPress website, and tracking upload details in an Excel file. Below is a breakdown of how the script works and its key functionalities.
Key Features of the Script
- Loads WordPress API Credentials
- Retrieves
from a.env
file. - Ensures all credentials are correctly loaded before proceeding.
- Retrieves
- Resizes Images for Web Optimization
- Images are resized to
pixels (standard size). - Creates a
pixel thumbnail for reference in Excel.
- Images are resized to
- Uploads Images to WordPress via REST API
- Uses Basic Authentication to interact with the WordPress API.
- Sends images to
for media library storage. - Assigns an appropriate alt text based on the file name.
- Stores Upload Details in an Excel File
- Saves details such as:
- Local file path
- Uploaded image URL
- Thumbnail preview
- Formats Excel with bold headers, column width adjustments, and embedded thumbnail previews.
- Saves details such as:
- Organizes Processed Images into Folders
→ Stores resized images.thumbnails/
→ Stores small preview thumbnails.
→ Saves upload data for reference.
Step-by-Step Code Explanation
1️⃣ Load Environment Variables
dotenv_path = r"c:\pythonprograms\wordpress_media_upload\dot_env.env"
if not os.path.exists(dotenv_path):
print(f".env file not found at: {dotenv_path}")
WP_URL = os.getenv('WP_URL')
WP_USER = os.getenv('WP_USER')
if not WP_URL or not WP_USER or not WP_APP_PASSWORD:
print("Failed to load environment variables. Check your .env file.")
- This checks for the
file containing WordPress API credentials. - If credentials are missing, the script exits with an error message.
2️⃣ Define Image Processing Functions
Resize Image
def resize_image(input_path, output_path, size):
with Image.open(input_path) as img:
img = img.resize(size, Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)
img.save(output_path, quality=95)
- Uses the PIL (Pillow) library to resize images.
- Resizes using LANCZOS resampling for high quality.
- Saves with
for good compression without major loss.
Create Thumbnail
def create_thumbnail(image_path, thumbnail_path):
with Image.open(image_path) as img:
img = img.resize(THUMBNAIL_SIZE, Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)
img.save(thumbnail_path, quality=95)
- Generates a small
pixel thumbnail. - Saves it for use in the Excel file.
3️⃣ Upload Image to WordPress
def upload_image_to_wordpress(file_path):
media_url = f"{WP_URL}/wp-json/wp/v2/media"
headers = create_auth_header(WP_USER, WP_APP_PASSWORD)
file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
alt_text = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0].replace("-", " ").replace("_", " ").capitalize()
with open(file_path, 'rb') as img:
mime_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(file_path)
files = {'file': (file_name, img, mime_type or 'application/octet-stream')}
data = {'alt_text': alt_text}
response = requests.post(media_url, headers=headers, files=files, data=data)
if response.status_code == 201:
uploaded_url = response.json().get('guid', {}).get('rendered', 'URL not found')
print(f"Uploaded {file_path} successfully: {uploaded_url}")
return uploaded_url
print(f"Failed to upload {file_path}. Status: {response.status_code}, Response: {response.text}")
return None
- Uses
to upload images via the WordPress REST API. - Assigns a friendly alt text based on the file name.
- Handles different image MIME types automatically.
- Prints success or failure messages.
4️⃣ Process Images & Upload
def process_and_upload_images(folder_path, size):
resized_folder = os.path.join(folder_path, "resized")
thumbnails_folder = os.path.join(folder_path, "thumbnails")
os.makedirs(resized_folder, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(thumbnails_folder, exist_ok=True)
upload_details = []
for file_name in os.listdir(folder_path):
input_path = os.path.join(folder_path, file_name)
if os.path.isfile(input_path) and file_name.lower().endswith(('webp', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif')):
output_path = os.path.join(resized_folder, file_name)
thumbnail_path = os.path.join(thumbnails_folder, file_name)
resize_image(input_path, output_path, size)
create_thumbnail(output_path, thumbnail_path)
print(f"Processed {file_name}.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to process {file_name}: {e}")
uploaded_url = upload_image_to_wordpress(output_path)
if uploaded_url:
"Local File Path": output_path,
"Uploaded File URL": uploaded_url,
"Thumbnail Path": thumbnail_path
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to upload {file_name}: {e}")
if upload_details:
save_details_to_excel(upload_details, folder_path)
- Loops through files in the folder, processes images, and uploads them.
- Stores upload details (local path, uploaded URL, thumbnail path).
5️⃣ Save Details in Excel
def save_details_to_excel(upload_details, folder_path):
excel_path = os.path.join(folder_path, "upload_details.xlsx")
workbook = Workbook()
sheet = workbook.active
sheet.title = "Uploaded Files"
# Write headers
headers = ["Local File Path", "Uploaded File URL", "Thumbnail"]
# Style headers
header_font = Font(bold=True)
for col, header in enumerate(headers, start=1):
cell = sheet.cell(row=1, column=col)
cell.font = header_font
cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal="center", vertical="center")
# Write rows
for detail in upload_details:
sheet.append([detail["Local File Path"], detail["Uploaded File URL"]])
# Add thumbnails
for row_index, detail in enumerate(upload_details, start=2):
thumbnail_path = detail.get("Thumbnail Path", "")
if os.path.exists(thumbnail_path):
img = ExcelImage(thumbnail_path)
img.width, img.height = 64, 64
sheet.add_image(img, f"C{row_index}")
sheet.row_dimensions[row_index].height = 48
print(f"Upload details saved to {excel_path}")
- Uses OpenPyXL to save upload details to an Excel spreadsheet.
- Adds a column for thumbnails with embedded images.
How to Use the Script
- Ensure WordPress API credentials are stored in
. - Place images in the designated folder (
). - Run the script:
python upload_images_4.py
- The script will:
- Resize images
- Upload them to WordPress
- Save details (including thumbnails) in
Final Thoughts
This script automates image processing and uploads for WordPress, making bulk media uploads seamless and efficient. Perfect for bloggers, content managers, or businesses managing large image libraries!
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