Sales Analysis with Python and Excel

Sales Analysis with Python and Excel

Use ‘Sheet1’ (data) in excel file: sales_jan_feb_mar_2021_d.xlsx

and do the following:
1) Read all columns of the excel file: sales_jan_feb_mar_2021_d.xlsx – 9 columns

2) Read specific columns of the excel file (Month, Actual_Sales, Customer, Salesperson): sales_jan_feb_mar_2021_d.xlsx – 4 columns

3) Create new excel file: Actual_Sales Mean by Salesperson.xlsx

4) Create new excel file: Actual_Sales Mean by Customer.xlsx

5) Create new excel file: Actual_Sales Mean by Month.xlsx

6) Create new tab: ActSalesMean by Salesperson in existing excel file: sales_jan_feb_mar_2021_d.xlsx and find actual sales mean by salesperson

7) Create new tab: ActSalesMean by Customer in existing excel file: sales_jan_feb_mar_2021_d.xlsx and find actual sales mean by customer

8) Create new tab: ActSalesMean by Month in existing excel file: sales_jan_feb_mar_2021_d.xlsx and find actual sales mean by month

9) Plot Actual_Sales Mean for 3, 4 and 5

10) Change styling of columns (font, alignment) for tabs: ‘ActSalesMean by Salesperson’, ‘ActSalesMean by Customer’, ‘ActSalesMean by Month’ in existing excel file: sales_jan_feb_mar_2021_d.xlsx

Watch the video Sales Analysis with Python and Excel

Download excel file (with data sheet and additional 3 sheets): sales_jan_feb_mar_2021_d.xlsx

Download python code in html format: sales-statistics-3.html

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#mindstormGR #sales_analysis #data_analysis #python #excel #report_automation #softexperia

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